Monday, August 16, 2010

Blue Eyes

I got my new lens in the mail yesterday (Canon 50mm 1.8).  I've been having lots of fun playing around with it.  Here are a couple cute shots I got of Ada this morning.


  1. What beautiful photos of your little girl!

    Random question: I am purchasing an SLR camera this week {Canon EOS Rebel T1i} and I was just wondering how you focus on the subject. What I mean is, to make the background blurry and the focus sharp, do you use a specific lense or is it something you set on the camera/lense itself?

    Sorry, that may be a silly question but I'm a newbie and could really use some help! lol

  2. She's definitely YOUR daughter in these pictures. Mini Stef :) Nice work on the photos. They look really good!

  3. Thanks! For this shot I used a 50 mm- F/1.8 lens. The F/1.8 means you can set the aperture as low as 1.8. The lower the aperture is set, the blurrier the background will be. Some lenses don't have the ability to go this low. I am still learning myself, but I am really loving this lens and would definitely recommend it!
